Story has the power to draw in readers and take them to a completely new place. It was an experience I treasured and craved. At age ten, I knew I wanted to be a writer when I grew up. And that’s exactly what I did. 

For the past three decades, I’ve been blessed to have had my work published in scores of newspapers and magazines, and I have authored nearly thirty 
books (to date) with still another on the way this year. I write what I write because I must—the subject matter lures me, hooks me, drives me to tell a story. And along the way, I hope my readers find themselves right smack dab in the middle of that story. 

On the Utah set of The Chosen.

In 2024, two of us appeared as background extras in the filming of episodes of Season 5, set to air in 2025.


Every writer I know loves to read. I'm no exception. When I was a kid, I would do my chores on Saturday morning with a book in my hand (usually a Nancy Drew mystery). It was easy to multi-task if I was running the vacuum cleaner; not so easy if I was ironing or mowing the lawn.

On the Texas set of The Chosen.

In 2022, my husband and two of our grandchildren joined me as part of the crowd in the "Feeding of the 5,000" which aired as part of Season 3. Click the image above to read about it.

Author of Works for Children and Young Adults

It was an honor in 2017 for me to discuss my books (those published up to then) with Stacy McKenzie (left) on her televised "Off the Page" program. Click here to watch.

What a blessing it is to live . . . and write . . . in Colorado! I also like photography. Some of my seasonal photos appear below:

More and more of my writing in recent years has turned to faith-based books where I welcome young readers to step into the sandals of kids who could have​ lived at the time of Jesus. Using imagination in this way can be extremely powerful. I know this is true because I had that very experience when I appeared as an extra in episodes of The Chosen​, a multi-season TV series about the life of Christ.​ Check it out here.                           (99% rating on Rotten Tomatoes) 

Claudia Cangilla McAdam